Sunday, February 7, 2010

Caution: The following post is a steam vent release in proportion to Old Faithful. Stand back 50 feet while reading.

I will now proceed to rant about USB type cable connections:


I am positive that the makers of all the cell phones, cameras, mp3 players and every other computer linkable device are in a giant conspiracy to never use the same fitting shape twice. It is so dang aggravating to have to search through piles of cables to find the right one. I also believe these cables, like metal hangers, multiply their tangly little selves while we are not looking!

Now, least you think, "Well, you should just be more organized with them." Let me tell you that we ARE organized. Matt has used the handy dandy label-maker that Mark gave us, and he has nicely rubber-banded each cord into a compact little bundle. The trouble is that there are 50 million little bundles. Some of them are to devices that we don't even have anymore. And in the last month or so we have added a few that are not labeled. The one that I want -- the one that YOU should want me to find -- is the cable for the new camera. We have taken a lot of wonderful pictures and now I can't find the cable so I can download the pictures onto the computer! I wanted to spend a nice Sunday evening blogging with photos. Instead I am searching for a cable that I don't even know what it looks like! (besides black and USBish)

So, how can I solve this problem? Maybe I should write to my congressman and ask them to pass legislation on regulation of USB cable connections. Here in our lovely state of over regulation, I'm sure someone would be willing to clamp down on this out of control situation. Can't they fight against corporate greed by forcing cable makers to comply to a specific, uniform model? If I start a petition will you sign it and pass it around the internet to all your friends?


I will now go search some more. When I find it, I will super-glue it into the computer so that it will always be were I can find it.

Cross your fingers for me. I don't want to have to write 1,000 words to take the place of every picture I could have posted. You probably don't want to read 1,000 of my words.

End of explosion.

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