Friday, July 31, 2009

She Finished!

KayBee finished at 1:30 Tuesday morning. She had to finish because she had to leave for girls camp at 8:00 AM that day. What a relief to be done with the project! We figured she spent about 45 hours painting it. I took it to the building where they were accepting the entries, paid the 10 dollar entry fee, and then learned that it was a jurried show. (I had to ask what that means.) It means that judges come and judge the painting and not everyone is accepted into the show. They told me we would get a postcard by Wednesday to let us know if her painting was accepted. If it was, she was supposed to come to an artists' reception and pre-view show for people who wanted to buy the art there. So we waited on pins and needles until we got the card saying she was accepted. Yipeee! Then we found out that the reception was a wine tasting party as well, and that she was not allowed to attend. That was fine with us, as the town is 45 minutes away, and also I would have had to pay $12.00 to get in with her. We will go as a family to the public (free) part on Saturday. It is like a huge street fair with tons of booths and food stands and various galleries open around the town.

Another funny part is that when I was registering the painting, the lady asked what the price was. "We don't want to sell it!" I told her. She explaind that if it was in the show, it had to be for sale. Luckily, a nice lady nearby who was experienced with this art show said, "Put $1,000.00. People will get the subtle message, or they will think Kaylee is pretty arrogant about the value of her art. But we can just laugh that off." So that is what we did.

These photos don't look nearly as nice as the painting. The photos have lots of white flecks in them that aren't really in the painting, and you can't really see the texture of the small details. If you want a better view, please come visit us!

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