As the final project in a long and tedious poetry unit, KayBee had a assignment to compile a book of 20 poems. She needed to have 12 from other people and 8 original compositions - using the different styles they had learned about. She also had to recite one from memory. Of course she spent the week reading. Ahhem, "researching." However she did not start compiling until the evening before it was due. It was a late night and an early morning as she scrambled to finish. It became a family project. For those of you who don't know (like me) a Bio-poem follows a specific structure of describing certain aspects about a person. It seems rather dumb to me, but she had to write one. I thought it was cute that she did her brother. You can see that as the time was short, and she was feeling annoyed at the forced creativity, she got a bit tongue-in-cheek with a few of her offerings. The last one she wrote in the car on the way to school!
Here are some of the things she (we) came up with:
Double Sneaking
Once upon a midnight, dreary
I sat up reading
Eyes all bleary.
Mother came and saw the light.
I knew I was in
For a great fight.
“Stop that reading! Stop right now!”
“Ok. Fine Mom,
Don’t have a cow!”
Grouchily, she went back to bed
I just laughed
And shook my head.
Back to the pages I turned with glee.
Lost in a world -
Just the story and me.
But wait, what was that smallish sound?
I rose from my bed,
Looked, and found!
My mother laughing under covers tight
Reading with
Her own flashlight!
Free Verse
I write
Hours on end
Scribbling by candlelight.
I write
Pouring out my soul.
My emotions bleed
Onto the page.
My poems are full
Of deeper meaning,
And Literary Tequniqe.
8th graders
will analyze my works-
awed by such thought provoking
I dream of fame, glory, fortune.
My works will be esteemed
Among the classics.
My poems are priceless -
The manuscripts will be worth
Millions of dollars.
But only my mother
Sees my genius.
The only way
My poems are spread
far and wide
Is if I give them away.
No wonder they call it
Free Verse
Quatrain at 1:00 am
I was going to write an epic,
But having little time,
I decided simple was better
And so I wrote this rhyme
I Hate Haiku
Haiku. Lousy form.
Unnatural and strangely
Bio-Poem of Brother (blog name used for this publishing purpose)
Funny, Talkative, Athletic, and Kind
Relative of Flyin’ Tomato
Who loves legos
Who feels annoyed by sisters
Who needs more legos
Who fears slobbery kisses
Who gives white-washes
Who would like to see a mountain of legos, Alaska, and the meaning of grammar class
Resident of the Bonus Room
Early Morning Acrostic
Every day my
Alarm clock
Leaving my warm covers
Yelling about who took all the hot water
Mush for breakfast
Orange juice
Running out the door
No shoes and coat
Impossible to be on time
Now the car won’t start
Get to school just as the bell rings