Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It Pays To Do Laundry!

I love doing laundry!

A few months ago, Homey commented that when he switched a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer, he got a tip! I realized that he must have been talking about a load of KayBee's things. She is supposed to do her own laundry, but sometimes she forgets to switch it, and we end up doing it so someone else can use the washer. KayBee has a lot of babysitting jobs, and not a lot of concern about money. Frequently I find rolled up 20 dollar bills lying around her room, and in her jeans pockets when I borrow them. I used to give them back, along with a short lecture on the importance of keeping track of her money better. However, now I have decided to keep whatever I find and consider it payment for my hard work! For the past three laundry loads that I have had to switch for her, I have found between 5 and 20 bucks left loose in the washer or dryer each time! I told all the kids if I am cleaning and find $ laying around, I get to keep it. Doing laundry provides me with a great income! I am trying to save up to buy a really neat (but expensive) set of curriculum for some of the kids' schooling next year. All the money I collect from my housekeeping endeavors will go to this! Oh! This is so fun! But don't tell Brother. If he finds out he can make $20.00 for switching a load of laundry, it will be a huge race to the laundry room the minute the buzzer goes off. I don't want any competition!

May you all be blessed in your laundry adventures today!

Love, Maawwm!

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