Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am never leaving the kids home alone again!

I was out jogging, or running errands or something. Maddo called and said, "Mom, I finished my math. Can I have 10 chocolate chips?" (Yes, sometimes I use bribes.) The chocolate chips had been put way up high at the back of the pantry to discourage children (and grown-ups) from munching handfulls indiscriminately. I told Maddo to wait until I got home so that I could reach them for her. She was not happy at me and hung up the phone with a comment that left me wondering why she had even bothered to call me in the first place. She has a strong tendency to do things her own way -- regardless of any preceeding counsel or subsequent consequences. When I got home everything seemed in order. "Thank you for being so good while I was gone." I told them all. I hugged Maddo and kissed the top of her head, in an attempt at motherly affection. She looked so cute and smelled so good -- like chocolate. Suddenly my Trouble Sensor Alarm went off: "EEERRRRPPP EEERRRPPP EEERRRPPP! MADDO SHOULD NOT BE SMELLING LIKE CHOCOLATE -- ESPECIALLY HER FOREHEAD!" I casually asked her why she smelled like chocolate. Before she could answer, KayBee jumped up and ran for the camera. "I have evidence! I'll SHOW you why she smells like chocolate! It's not my fault! Maddo told me that you said she could have them!" She continued ranting as she showed me these pictures. Although I encourage the kids' creativity and artistic expression, I think I have to draw the line somewhere. Too bad I didn't think to draw it BEFORE this effort. Who would have thought I needed to say, "Oh, by the way, no drawing on your faces with melted chocolate chips." Obviously we have a few things to discuss in Family Home Evening this week. The chocolate chips are now in an undisclosed location on a very high shelf in a very remote part of the house.


  1. I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty funny.

  2. LOVE IT!!!! - Only because we have had our own similar experiences. My hat is off to Kaybee for having everything cleaned up before you returned home - only using the camera as evidence.


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