Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let It Snow!

Yipee! It snowed.

The kids are so happy! We only have about 3 inches, but it is a perfect amount to enjoy. I was hoping that church would be canceled. I was scheduled to speak in sacrament meeting today, and did not have a lot prepared. About 30 min before church, the phone rang! Oh! I was so excited! It was just like I'd hoped! I rushed to answer the phone, only to hear, "Sister T... this is Bro. D.... (a primary teacher.) I'm not going to make it today because of the snow." Good grief to high heaven! I'm not even the president anymore and they still call me! (Actually it was because he didn't know the new pres'. phone number.) I was so disappointed that it wasn't a message about no meetings today.

Well, anyway. We faithfully went to church. It was no big deal getting there because Matt had put the studded snow tires on last night. There were less than half the people in attendance. My talk went pretty good. It wasn't too scary because the chapel wasn't even full. The bishop canceled the rest of the meetings, and we all went home to enjoy the sunshine and snow. Matt took a couple kids to a widow's house to shovel her driveway. What a lovely Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Deanne!! Your house is too cute! We so miss you guys! Our new home teacher is Curly Wright and he said to say hello. It looks like you are really enjoying Washington, but don't you miss it here even a little? :) You need to keep up with your blog...I know, one more thing on the to do list. Hugs to ya.


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