Well, this is old, but I should at least finish the story.
The mystery cat stayed around on our back porch sleeping and eating for a few more days. Matt and I finally gave in and decided to make the thing a part of our family. We took him to the vet to have him fixed, and get shots, etc. When I came to pick him up the next day, the nurse told us that they hadn't done the sugery because the cat was not doing well. He was very lethargic, and would not get up, seemed to be in pain in it's back end, was vomiting and had bloody diarreha. Of course we were very worried about "our cat" and kept him in our prayers continually. He stayed at the animal clinic for a couple more days. All I could think of was the bill that we were probably racking up by keeping a sick stray cat in the hospital. I called to say nevermind, we'll just bring him home and see what happens to him. However, the nurse said that he was better, and that they had done the surgery and he was healthy and good to go. When we picked him up the nurse explained that they had run blood tests on him, etc. But they did it for free because he was such a magnificent cat, and they just wanted to see how to help him. Turns out he had tape worms which they treated free also. Additionally, they gave him a flea treatment. They had been feeding him a couple cans of wet food each day, and brushing him and really spoiling him while he was there. He had loved all the attention. We happily brought him home -- delighted that our prayers had been answered. For the rest of the day, he hung around in our yard, playing near the kids and sleeping on the back porch in his usual spot. Early that evening he disappered -- which he had done a few times in the past, and he always returned by early the next morning. So that evening he did that, and like usual returned the next morning, meowing to be fed and let in. After staying inside for a few hours he wanted out, and we went off to church. We have not seen him since. Maddy thinks she saw him a little ways away a few days later, but we could not be sure. We can't figure out if he went back to his real home (and can't help but laugh at the people's reaction when their cat went missing for 2 weeks and then came back neutered.) Or possibly the coyotes got him, or maybe he found a new house to torment. Everyone who we have told our story to has a story to tell about a cat that they knew that lived at 4 different houses, or lived one place for a coule months then went missing for a couple then showed up agagin... It is very baffling. At first the kids prayed that he would come back, but then that changed to just hoping that he was safe and happy wherever he was, and hoping that he'd at least stop by to say hi once in awhile. I'm peturbed at the $87.00 we spent on him, but if it was a good deed and helped a poor cat in need, then I guess I am ok with that. Jillian claims that he was sick and Heavenly Father sent him to us, because He knew that we would help take care of him, even though we didn't get to keep him. I'd like to think the we can be called on to do helpful things for God, but I don't know if that is a true interpretation of this event. I have sent the cat a few subliminal messages to let him know that if he wants to remain flea free, he needs to show up on the 15th of this month in order to get his next dose of flea medication.
Anyway, I just thought I'd write the rest of the story.
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