Sunday, February 8, 2009

A New Favorite Pastime

Since Thursday, My family has been obsessed with the connect 4 game that Maddo got for her b-day. We had an old, broken one that had fallen into disuse. This fancy new model has sparked a resurgence of intense competition. The funniest thing is that Hunkey at age 5 can beat his Dad. One evening they were playing and Hunkey genuinely beat Homie at least 3 times. I thought Homie was just letting the little guy win, but he said no, he was really trying to win. Even though Homie says he trounces everyone, the children are generally able to give him a good work-out. It is fun for the whole family. I am not a strategy fiend, and so I’m not as into it. I was quite dismayed one night at 10:30 pm when Homie, coming from a large tournament downstairs, plunked the thing in bed beside me and said, “Here, let’s play a game. You just have to play a few rounds!” I was trying to sleep, and did not appreciate the challenge. I intentionally lost 3 rounds as fast as I could. Homie was terribly disappointed in my lack of interest and effort. The next morning he got the set off his night stand and reissued the challenge. I did try harder, but still lost. Luckily, a child came along and was eager to take my place. I have learned that if I want some undisturbed time, I just suggest that the children go play connect 4 with their dad. Usually they all will play for at least an hour before a fight starts, or they come to their senses. It is good to know Homie’s weak spots.

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