Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our new hair stylist!

Yipee! I think I have successfully passed on my job of hair cutting! It is so great having children get to the age where they can take over some of my jobs! Peachy (age 10) has been interested in this opportunity for quite a while. On Saturday I decided to let her try. She actually did a pretty good job. Hunkey was very patient. He was so glad to finally get a hair cut, he didn't care who did it. I like it longer and always procrastinate doing it. But he keeps telling me that his head gets too hot. After Peachy finished with Hunkey, she called for Brother to come. "No way!" he retorted. Evidently his head wasn't hot enough to risk any sort of revenge from a scissors wielding younger sister. So, I still had to do one hair cut. I'm hoping that eventually Peachy will be able to do everyone's!

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